Biography of BJ Habibie
Biography of BJ Habibie

Full Name: Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie
Popular name: BJ Habibie
Wife: Hasri Ainun Besari
Place, Date of Birth: Pare-pare, June 25, 1936
Tenure for President: May 21, 1998-20 October 1999
Education: Dago High School, Bandung, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), RWTH Aachen
Children: Ilham Akbar, Thareq Kemal
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie is the full name of BJ Habibie. He was born on June 25, 1936 in the city of Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. This third president of Indonesia took high school education at Dago High School, Bandung in 1954. He then continued his education at ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology). However, only a few months at ITB then he decided to follow in the footsteps of his friends to go to school in Germany. But unlike the others, he did not use a scholarship from the Minister of Education and Culture to continue his studies in Germany but by using his own expense from his mother, R.A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. Considering Bung Karno's message about the importance of mastering technology with a national perspective, namely maritime technology and aerospace technology when Indonesia was still developing, finally BJ Habibie was given the opportunity to study in Germany.
At that time the Indonesian government under Sukarno aggressively funded hundreds of bright Indonesian students to carry out education abroad and study there. Habibie is the second group among hundreds of high school students specifically sent to various countries. Then Habibie chose the aviation engineering major specializing in aircraft construction in the Rhein Westfalen Aachen Technische Hochschule.
Biography of BJ Habibie: College Life in Germany

The education undertaken by BJ Habibie abroad was not a crash course but it was a school for many years while practicing. From the beginning Habibie had indeed been interested in how to build commercial aircraft for the Indonesian people who were Soekarno's ideas during his tenure. Darisana then emerged strategic companies, there were PT PAL and one of them was IPTN. Then when BJ Habibie arrived in Germany, Habibie had the determination to really go overseas and had to go home with success, bearing in mind his mother's efforts to pay for her studies and daily life. A few years later, in 1955 at Aachean, 99% of Indonesian students studying there were given full scholarships. Only he has a green or private passport than other friends.
For Habibie overseas, the holiday season is not a vacation for him, instead it becomes a golden opportunity that must be filled with examinations and looking for money to buy books. After the vacation period ends, all activities are excluded except studying. Unlike other friends, they use more summer vacation time to work, find experience and money without taking an exam. Then in 1960, BJ Habibie received an Ing Diploma degree, from Technische Hochschule with the title cumlaude (perfect) which averaged 9.5. With a bagged engineer, the young Habibie registered to work at the Talbot Firm, which is a German railroad industry. After that he continued his studies to get a doctorate at the Technische Hochschule Die Facultaet Fure Maschinenwesen Aachen then married in 1962 to Hasri Ainun Habibie who was then brought to Germany. His life was getting tougher in Germany, early in the morning Habibie had to walk quickly to his distant workplace to save on living expenses and then come home at night and study for his studies. It was full of twists but got a sweet thing at the end of his life by returning to Indonesia to make an Indonesian plane and then become the president of the Republic of Indonesia.
Biography of BJ Habibie: Hobby of Riding a Horse
Habibie has a penchant for riding horses and reading. He is known to be smart since attending elementary school, but he had to lose his beloved father who died on September 3, 1950 due to a heart attack. He is a popular figure since school with a myriad of achievements.
That is the biography of BJ Habibie, the third President of Indonesia. BJ Habibie's biography is one of the best-selling biographies in the history of biography. BJ Habibie's biography is written in books, films, etc. One of BJ Habibie's biographies is Habibie Ainun. Hopefully this biography of BJ Habibie can inspire you and continue to inspire.
Biography of BJ Habibie, the Visionary and Genius

The country of Indonesia is a rich country. Not only rich in terms of resources, Indonesia also has many young people who excel and are intelligent in all fields. Even so, sometimes the lack of appreciation for the intelligent nation's children is an obstacle for them to develop themselves so they choose to develop themselves into another country. Of the many children of the nation's achievements, certainly BJ Habibie's figure cannot be separated. BJ Habibie's biography is also sought after because many people are interested in the life story of this visionary genius.
BJ Habibie is famous for his intelligence which is already known not only in Indonesia, but also in other countries. He also held the seat of the third President of the Republic of Indonesia. BJ Habibie's intelligence has also been proven by the existence of a formula called the Habibie Factor where this formula is used to calculate aircraft cracks with high accuracy. BJ Habibie is increasingly respected because he is also able to show his love for his wife who has been visualized in a film titled Habibi and Ainun which was made several years ago. No wonder now that BJ Habibie's biography is much sought after to get to know his figure.
Childhood BJ Habibie
BJ Habibie's biography begins with his childhood. BJ Habibie was born in Pare-Pare on June 25, 1936 under the name Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie. His father named Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie was an agricultural expert and originally from Gorontalo. While the mother named R.A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo is an eye specialist from Yogyakarta. Habibie is the fourth child of a total of eight siblings. Habibie also grew up in a religious family where his father often recited verses from the Qur'an since he was a child.
Habibie stated that the holy verses recited by his father were always able to calm him down. No wonder the father also often recites verses of the Qur'an for him one to two juz. His habits from childhood who often listened to the Qur'an had a positive influence on him so that when Habibie was 3 years old, he was able to read the Qur'an fluently. Since childhood, Habibie has been known as a smart kid.
BJ Habibie's Education Period

Reading the biography of BJ Habibie seems incomplete without knowing his educational background. Entering school age, Habibie's brain is increasingly intelligent. But sadly he had to be abandoned by his father when he was very young at 14 years. The father died of a heart attack. Because his father as the head of the family died, the mother replaced the role and struggled extra to be able to bear the cost of living for all family members. In the end, the mother decided to sell the house and then move to Bandung. Young Habibie also took his education at Dago High School and then continued his study at ITB which at that time was called Universitas Indonesia Bandung with a major in Mechanical Engineering.
Before finishing his studies at ITB, he then received a scholarship from the Minister of Education and Culture at that time to be able to continue his education in Germany. At the time of President Soekarno's administration at that time, the government was financing a lot of the nation's children to be able to go to school abroad to be able to study there. Among hundreds of students, Habibie at that time entered the second group which was specifically sent to foreign countries. In Germany, Habibie attended the Rhein Westfalen Aachen Technische Hochschule with a major in Aviation Engineering specializing in aircraft construction.
Habibie's education abroad is not a crash course, but it is indeed a years of education and is welcomed by working in practice. Initially, Habibie was only interested in building commercial aircraft according to the idea of ​​President Soekarno at that time which later led to the company PT PAL and one of them was IPTN. When he arrived in Germany, Habibie was determined to succeed later because he saw the efforts of his mother in financing education to her life. In 1955, Indonesian students who were studying there were given full scholarships and among other friends, only Habibie had a private or green passport.
BJ Habibie's biography in his education period was not over yet. During his vacation, he made it a golden opportunity to be able to study, take exams and also earn money so he could buy books. But if the holiday period runs out, then all activities are set aside and only focus on learning. This is different from other friends where when they are off they prefer to work and seek experience without thinking about exams.
In 1960, he was able to get an Ing Diploma in Germany from Technische Hochschule and his title was Cum Laude or perfect with an average grade of 9.5. By getting this Engineer degree, he also enrolled to work at the Talbot Firm which is the railroad industry in Germany. At that time, Talbot Firm was in need of a large volume wagon. This is because the wagon will transport light goods with large volumes. Talbot needed 1000 wagons and found this problem, so Habibie tried to apply the construction method in making aircraft wings and then applied to wagons which turned out to be fruitful.
BJ Habibie's biography of his education continued to his doctorate where he continued his studies at the Technische Hochschule Die Facultaet de Fuer Maschinenwesen Aachen to get his doctorate. In 1962, BJ Habibie married Hasri Ainun Habibie and then brought him to Germany. His life at that time was so difficult that he often had to walk to work places far away to save money. Besides that Habibie also had to go home at night even though he still had to study for his studies.
The same struggle was felt by his wife where he had to queue to be able to wash clothes in public places in order to save money. After struggling with his education, BJ Habibie was finally able to get an Ingenieur Doctorate degree from the Technische Hochschule Die Facultaet de Fuer Maschinenwesen Aachen with a summa cumlaude value and the average value was 10 making it perfect.
The emergence of the Habibie factor formula

As it was stated earlier where this interesting biography of BJ Habibie was also because there was a formula which was named the Habibie Factor. This one formula can count cracks to the atoms of an aircraft even though he was given the nickname Mr. Crack. In 1967, BJ Habibie received the title of Honorary Professor or Professor from ITB. In addition, from ITB also BJ Habibie received the highest award, namely Ganesha Praja Manggala.
With all his genius, he is not surprised if he gets a lot of recognition from international class institutions starting from the Gesselschaft fuer Luft und Raumfahrt, the flight agency in Germany, The Royal Aeronautical Society London in England, The Academie Nationale de l'Air et de l'Espace from France, The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences from Sweden and even The US Academy of Engineering from the United States. BJ Habibie also received a very prestigious award, the Edward Warner Award and the von Karman Award, which is almost equivalent to the Nobel Prize.
The step of the visionary is indeed much admired, but many also become controversy. Every time BJ Habibie, who also won the prestigious Theodore van Karman Award, visited Germany, he never escaped reporting there. Looking back, BJ Habibie only studied at ITB a year ago and then continued his education to Germany for 10 years then worked at MBB Gmbh Germany which is a leading aviation industry. After that he returned to Indonesia to fulfill a call from the President of Indonesia, Suharto at that time.
BJ Habibie's return to Indonesia

BJ Habibie's biography continued after he returned to Indonesia. In Indonesia alone, Habibie then served as Minister of Research and Technology / Head of BPPT for 20 years and led the SOE Strategic Industries for 10 years. In 1995, he succeeded in leading the aircraft manufacturing project called the N250 Gatot Kaca which became the first aircraft made by Indonesia.
The aircraft that was designed by BJ Habibie was not a plane that was made carelessly but had been thought and designed carefully with the knowledge possessed by BJ Habibie. The aircraft that he created was arguably capable of flying without excessive hissing with advanced and cutting edge technology at the time and was even prepared for the next 30 years. To complete the initial design, BJ Habibie needed 5 years. This aircraft is also the only turboprop aircraft in the world which uses Fly By Wire technology.
At that time the Gatot Kaca N250 had flown up to 900 hours and was one step away from being able to enter the certification for the Federal Aviation Administration. In his day, PT IPTN had built aircraft factories to America and Europe in order to capture the market in that country. Even so many people underestimate the aircraft made in Indonesia. Under the command of BJ Habibie, IPTN managed to employ up to 16,000 people.
But unfortunately, when IPTN was victorious, President Soeharto actually ordered the closure of IPTN along with other strategic industries due to the monetary crisis in 1996 to 1998. As many as 16,000 IPTN employees were forced to spread to aircraft factories in other countries to seek sustenance in the territory of Brazil, Canada , Europe to America. Worse yet, Indonesia actually buys planes from that country. Regrettably.
Biography of BJ Habibie during the presidential term

After IPTN was closed, BJ Habibie at that time was still the Minister of Research and Technology. He was then appointed Vice-President on March 14, 1998 to accompany President Soeharto. But only a few months after he took office, political turmoil was inevitable and reached its peak. President Soeharto, who had been enthroned for president for decades, finally stepped down with his resignation on May 21, 1998.
President Soeharto's resignation automatically made BJ Habibie officially replace him occupying the number one seat in Indonesia. He became the third President in RI. BJ Habibie only held office for one year, where he inherited conditions when Indonesia was in a state of chaos and many regions wished to escape from Indonesia. Indonesia's condition at that time was really apprehensive.
Even so BJ Habibie still tried to rebuild Indonesia. Some important decisions made were the enactment of the Law on Regional Autonomy. He was also able to free his people to aspire so that Indonesia could create many new political parties that emerged. At that time, the Indonesian currency in foreign currencies which reached 15 thousand rupiah per dollar could be reduced to just under 10,000 rupiah. He was able to liquidate problem banks at the time.
However, BJ Habibie was forced to resign at that time after the general assembly of the MPR in 1999. The accountability speech he gave was rejected by the MPR because East Timor was separated from Indonesia at that time. After his position was released, KH Abdurrahman Wahid became his successor President. BJ Habibie has also returned to being an ordinary Indonesian citizen and resided in Germany even though he occasionally returned to Indonesia.
The death of his beloved wife

After being reportedly unheard of, on May 22, 2010 there was shocking news where his faithful wife accompanied him, Hasri Ainun Habibie, who had died in Germany due to ovarian cancer. Ms. Ainun died on Saturday at 17.30 German time. The certainty of the death of Ms. Ainun was obtained from Ali Mochtar Ngabalin as a former member of Parliament who was also a family representative from BJ Habibie. This is a very deep sorrow for the former President of Indonesia.
For BJ Habibie, Ms. Ainun is everything to him. He once said that Ainun was the eye to see his life. Ms. Ainun is also a filler of love in her life both in times of difficulty and even pleasure. In 48 years of marriage, BJ Habibie and Ainun were never separated. Ms. Ainun always followed wherever BJ Habibie went with patience and full affection. Even BJ Habibie himself did not know about his wife's overium cancer and only knew 3 days before Ms. Ainun died because Ms. Ainun never complained. How hurt BJ Habibie was at the time.
BJ Habibie's biography was formed in a film

BJ Habibie's struggle as a child of the nation that always tried to reach its goals for the progress of Indonesia's development was indeed full of life's sharp turns. Lots of life experiences that can be used as lessons ranging from his hard work when attending school in Germany, the struggle in the political arena, to his loyal and loving love with his wife who are matchless makes his story very worthy to be known by all the Indonesian people who were formed into a film titled Habibie and Ainun.
This biography of BJ Habibie aired in early December 2012 with the true story of the visionary and the romance of his love life full of blue emotion and struggles from teenagers to Ms. Ainun's death. The film, directed by Hanung Bramantyo and Faozan Rizal, stars Indonesian top artists Reza Rahadian and Bunga Citra Lestari. This film managed to attract an audience of more than 4.5 million, making it one of the best-selling Indonesian films of all time.
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